Doing music marketing is also an art – this is how

Why music marketing? You make the music for the people and you have to tell the people that you have the right song for them.
May 3, 2024

You probably like to sing or to make music in some way because you enjoy the process and simply love music, and you dream about your music being listened to accidentally by some music masters and you will become very popular overnight, right? So I can say that you’re very wrong.

Becoming popular or at least making enough money from music requires not only being music talented but being a marketing expert or at least have some people like that near you.

Why music marketing? You make the music for the people and you have to tell the people that you have the right song for them.

You need all of the marketing aspects here like any other business. Yes, you should imagine this like a business, and not only like singing or making songs.

You need any activity from branding, social media, collaborations, advertising and so much more. Nobody says it was easy, but I’m here to tell you where to start from and how to go step-by-step to your final destination – popularity.

Imagine that you want people to know you are very talented at singing and that you have the song you want people to know about.

Find your why and what?

Don’t do something because all of the artists or most of them are doing it. Don’t make something because it’s very popular on Tiktok or Instagram. Find your place. Find your strong sides and make from them your brand values.

Don’t be afraid of researching your competitors in music marketing and take some ideas. There’s nothing wrong here until you copy them.

See what most of them are doing and think about what you can do from it and make it in your own way. Take it and adjust it to your brand.

Find your what?

What are you good at?

What are you passionate about?

What do people like? (what will they pay for)?

Is it rock or pop music? What does your target audience want to hear from you except your songs? About feminism, sport, pet caring?

Find out if they’re moms, or teenagers if they leave alone or with their pets? How can your brand story and all that you do fit in their lives?

Also, knowing why you do something will help you to stand out from the crowd and also stops you from being boring.

Doing music marketing is a long journey, but with UIXlabs team everything is gonna be easier and funnier. We are already excited about your project, just send your email and let’s schedule a meeting.

Start with Social Media Music Marketing

You can’t NOT love social media when a lot of unknown singers and music makers become very popular over there. They do that with traditional features or with funny content creation on social channels like Tiktok, Instagram, and Facebook.

Some years ago, singers like Justin Bieber were recording videos and got famous on Youtube, but things had changed.

Now Tiktok took that place. Look at Lil Nas X, Dixie D’Amelio, and Loren Gray. They got famous on this channel because it allowed its users to record short videos of singing, dancing, and acting. It’s very easy for any content creator from any generation.

Music marketing
today is all about being consistent and being who you are at the places where your people are hanging out, and that’s social media.

It’s not a choice, but a must. Make them hear from you every day, and make them love what you do.

Do regular livestreams

This kind of music marketing helped a lot of artists to be seen by their fans through the pandemic. And It’s not finished yet. Even now when things are coming back to normal people love to watch live performances by their favorite singers.

Find your favorite artists that make the same music like yours and see how they record their livestreams and in which way they connect with their audience?

Introduce yourself and start entertaining your audience.

If you don’t know how to start or you just don’t have that kind of content, UIXlabs team is here to help. Just send us your email and let’s get started.

Launching online

This includes not only social media but having the right online things before launching your business. Set up your accounts on each social media platform that your audience might be on. Once you start online be consistent.

Open your youtube account and create your website. When people become interested in your music they will want to know and read more about you, that’s why you should have this prepared.

Doing EPK in music marketing

You may be asking yourself what’s and EPK but I can explain. There’re plenty of companies that allows the artists to create their own EPK on their sites with videos, pictures, text, and music.

This is more for someone who lookout for new talent for any opportunity. This is some kind of portfolio for musicians because they put all the information and media in one place.

EPK can be very simple or more detailed. But it must include music, photos, bio, and contact info. This kind of content should relate only to your music career and it has to be created in a way to catch people’s attention.

Start a newsletter

These are what we cold in music marketing – hot leads. Those are people that are your true fans, and they really love what you do.

The Newsletter will help you to stay connected and engaged with them all the time. You will notify them through email that you have a new song or the things about you they might be interested in besides your music.

For this, you should have a very well-optimized website with an excellent lead generation funnel which will help you to grab people’s emails.

UIXlabs team will help you with the website and email campaign. Just sign in here.

Get in touch with other musicians

As in any other kind of business, making relationships is the key. Connect with people in the same industry as yours. Don’t be afraid to say hi, and also to support them.

Share sometimes their art with your audience. It’s all about giving in order to receive. Once you have that relationship built you can ask them for collaborating. And this will really help you to go “viral” or to make more people hear your art or talent.

Music marketing can be easy. You just have to find the right people to work with. Why you don’t dedicate yourself to the work you love like singing and making music and give us all of the difficulties that marketing has. UIXlabs team is here to help your business thrive, so don’t think twice and send your email. We will schedule a meeting and see what we can do for you.